Forgive Me for Being Immature

Dear Heavenly Father,

Forgive me for the things I have done that were contrary to Your Will and Word. Please forgive me for not having faith and for not seeking Your divine counsel in certain areas of my life. There have been instances where I have acted impulsively and immaturely, and it has landed me in a tough spot. Then, I come to You with a troubled heart, asking why I got to that place. All along, I acted out of my own free-will choice. I made decisions and choices on my own and didn’t take responsibility for my impulsiveness. Father, please forgive me for this.

Please forgive me for those things that led me astray from Your calling. Please straighten my footsteps as I humbly submit to You, so that I can continue walking under Your covering.

Thank You for the multitude of blessings You have given me throughout my life. Not only am I thanking You for my life and blessings, but also for the generations that are going to come from me. Thank You, Father for securing their futures and allowing them to grow up in Your Word. I thank You Dear Father, for You have never let me down. You continue to hold tight to my hand, to lead me in Your Word and position me for higher heights.

Father, please aid my faith and continue to guide me by Your Spirit. Help me to reset my being so that I no longer depend on my five senses, but I’m completely sold out to Your Will by faith. Help me in my endeavors, to achieve those things that please You and fulfill me as well. Time and time again, I have witnessed that You are faithful to Your Word. You have given me victory, fought my battles, and healed me. Father, please help me to mature spiritually, as I strip off my old man nature and put on the newness that Jesus Christ made available. In the name of Your only begotten Son, Jesus Christ, and in the name of Your Holy Spirit, I pray. Amen. ■