Pray About Everything

Dear Heavenly Father,

Please forgive me for the things I have done that were contrary to Your Will. And please forgive me, Father, for not inviting You to intercede in the small matters in my life. Sometimes, I take the reins, and I proceed to make decisions and choices without consulting You. I have done this for so long with certain things, that it has become a habit in some areas of my life. When I didn’t know better, I thought that You didn’t want to be bothered with such details. Many people think that they are supposed to handle stuff on their own, and only pray and seek You when things become unmanageable. This does not line up with Your Word. You tell us in Philippians 4:6 that we shouldn’t worry about anything, and we should pray about everything, and tell You what we need. You desire to be involved in every detail of our lives. Please open my eyes to be more attentive to this. Help me to break the habit of partitioning my life into things I handle and things You handle. I am committed to giving You my whole life and walking in the Spirit in every area.

Thank You that through Jesus Christ, we can stay strong regardless of any adversity or obstacles. Thank You for supplying all our needs through him. Please continue to give us Your divine guidance and council during this time of uncertainty and keep us safe. Thank You for being our Provider and Protector, thank You for the Holy Spirit that indwells us, and thank You for keeping Your angels encamped around us. Thank You, Father, for being the Almighty, All-powerful God that You are.

In the precious name of your Son, Christ Jesus, I pray. Amen.